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Tim runs for Chordoma UK

Do PLEASE support wonderful Tim Wakelin running the Great South Run for @chordoma UK. Here's Tim's just giving link so you can dig d...

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Central London Gallery Event...

Where better to hold an awareness event and fundraiser than at one of London's major art collections and finest galleries. Well that...

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With a quite extraordinary result for Chordoma UK thanks...

Undoubtedly one of the most successful fund raising initiative of our year so far goes to Ginny Major and her wonderful group of 18 ...

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Sarah Holdsworth - runs like mad for Chordoma UK in the L...

She, swam, she cycled, she ran and most certainly didn't crawl as she suggested she might. The warm? waters of London's Docklands wa...

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Dinner Dance, Ferrari's Country Hotel, Preston, Lancashire

We would like to thank Chris Dewhurst for organising this fabulous event, which was run in February of this year:The Dinner Dan...

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Reception at St James's Palace

Chordoma UK founders Gerald & Susan Fitz-Gibbon with Professor Adrienne Flanagan and chordoma fundraiser Freddie Fitz-Gibbon

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Funds are needed NOW to develop new therapies for control...

Funds are needed NOW to develop new therapies for controlling the growth of Chordoma tumour. Here’s why………Over the last few year...

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Raising funds for research and awareness...

Figures finally in for our first year anniversary (well actually it's 14 months) and utterly thrilled to announce we have smashed th...

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That's some 1400 kms, the length of France on a bicycle! Well Henry Martin a school chum of Chordoma UK founder`s son Ollie Fitz-Gib...

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Getting close to £100k !

With our first anniversary later this month, we have every confidence Chordoma UK will significantly pass £100,000 raised by our ama...

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RAT RACE DIRTY WEEKEND. Ginny Major goes for it!

Ginny Major and friends are supporting Chordoma UK by taking part in this amazing and gruelling event this spring. Please offer Ginn...

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Want to make a donation?

You are the reason we can keep providing our vital supprt and funding. Individual donations and gifts may be made directly to Chordoma UK and enhanced through GIFT AID. Your fundraising can benefit from Chordoma UK`s charitable status enabling donations to be made through the Gift Aid scheme directly to the Chordoma UK bank account.

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How your donation is spent

There is little funding available for research into this relentless bone cancer mainly because it is relatively rare, occurring in only 1 in 800,000 of the population. Without a focused approach to raising money for research into chordoma, little will change quickly.

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If you have any questions about Chordoma UK, or would like to talk to someone about cancer, send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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