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Identification of repurposed small molecule drugs for cho...

Identification of repurposed small molecule drugs for chordoma therapy.AuthorsXia M,     et al. Show all &n...

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National Cancer Institute Opens First Therapeutic Vaccine...

National Cancer Institute Opens First Therapeutic Vaccine Trial for Chordoma Patients The National Cancer Institute has expanded ...

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Chordoma UK now joined the Cancer52 Alliance .... (52% of...

Cancer52 has grown from an initial group brought together at the request of the National Cancer Director, Mike Richards to input int...

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Walkers raise over £2,500.00 for Chordoma UK

The Longridge news - local paper reported..... "It was ten miles and ten pubs - but it raised an amazing £2,500-plus for newly estab...

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Mail on Sunday article raises awareness

An article was published in the Mail on Sunday today highlighting why Freddie Fitz-Gibbon is running the London Marathon. The articl...

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Chi-chi Nwanoku & friends Chamber Concert benefit

On Monday 4th February, a private chamber concert was held for the benefit of Chordoma UK. Hosted by Pauline Heerema, Chi-chi Nwanok...

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Research - what have we achieved so far

In 2006, Professor Adrienne Flanagan, from UCL Cancer Institute and The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, identified that chordom...

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You are the reason we can keep providing our vital supprt and funding. Individual donations and gifts may be made directly to Chordoma UK and enhanced through GIFT AID. Your fundraising can benefit from Chordoma UK`s charitable status enabling donations to be made through the Gift Aid scheme directly to the Chordoma UK bank account.

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There is little funding available for research into this relentless bone cancer mainly because it is relatively rare, occurring in only 1 in 800,000 of the population. Without a focused approach to raising money for research into chordoma, little will change quickly.

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If you have any questions about Chordoma UK, or would like to talk to someone about cancer, send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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